On Tuesday, Chinese game developer Game Science unveiled the latest trailer for its upcoming action role-playing game, “Black Myth: Wukong,” during the Gamescom 2023 Opening Night Live event. Adapted from the classical 16th-century Chinese novel “Journey to the West,” the new 2-minute trailer highlights protagonist Sun Wukong’s encounters and battles with mystical monsters as he continues his adventurous journey. Currently, the trailer on IGN’s YouTube channel has garnered 396K views, with overseas players expressing anticipation for this potential oriental fantasy game. The game is scheduled to launch on the PC Steam, Xbox, and PS5 platforms in the summer of 2024, as confirmed by Game Science. Additionally, on August 20, the company selected 1000 experienced players to participate in a trial-play event in China, providing a first look at the detailed gameplay. [TechNode reporting]